The Expansion of Rights and Freedom in America (1865-1975)

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Americans view of civil liberties and freedom changed a lot from 1865 to 1975. It started with white land owning males having freedom and everyone else having a restricted freedom in some form. Throughout that 90-year span, however it changed to a more modern view as it is today, where every man and woman is free to do as he/she pleases and achieve the American dream. This changed occurred in what I see as the three most important era’s. The first one being the era of reconstruction, which set the foundation for further changes to occur and is the first real point when people started dealing with the idea of equality and freedom for all. The second is WWII this era was important, because it changed people perception of freedom. Before this point freedom was an idea, however during this era freedom became tangible. It was something you could fight for. The final era to discuss is the Civil Rights Movements. This era is important, because it is when freedom finally became a reality for everyone. Its also still occurring at this very minute. Reconstruction was a major changing point in people’s views of freedom, because it presented the very idea of freedom for more than just white males and laid the foundation for other movements to follow. It occurred after the Civil War from 1865 to its official end in 1877. It originated primarily out of necessity. The government needed a plan to deal with all the now freed African Americans and the once confederate states rejoining the union. The Republican Party backed it though they themselves could not agree on an official plan. Several plans emerged, but in the end, it was a hodgepodge of each plan put together. Several historians would probably argue that reconstruction fail... ... middle of paper ... ...ial issue and not a simply political issue with this change it really worked. In conclusion you can hopefully see that these three events where crucial in changing peoples perceptions of freedom. Reconstruction presented the concept of freedom for all. WWII showed that freedom in action with women and other minorities working the roles the free white men normally worked. It also changes freedom from just a concept to a tangible object you could fight for. Finally, there is the civil rights movement that finally saw the idea come into fruition. Freedom was finally obtained by many and though we haven’t reached a perfect world with everyone being free and no one judging or treating each other different based on what you are not who you are we are on the way. These three events where crucial in getting us there and we will continue on the path these events laid.

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