The Existence Of The Earth Essay

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In our sciences, it was believed that the earth was flat. However, this was indeed invalid due to the mountains, canyons and other elevated surfaces our earth provides. However, if one evened out the elevation, there would be left with flatness. The flat earth theory made it that the surface doesn't deviate from flatness at all, but that its curvature is 0 to the mile. To be sure that this flat-earth theory was indeed invalid, Greek Philosopher Aristotle obtained significant reasons that the theory was void. He first analyzed the direction of certain stars. Some stars disappear beyond the Southern Hemisphere as an individual travels north. As one travels south, the stars vanish beyond the Northern Hemisphere. Also, the earth’s shadow on the moon is in the shape of an arc of a circle during a lunar eclipse. Lastly, the earth flows downward into an inevitable center. This deterred the idea that the earth was flat. Aristotle observed that due to the movement of solid matter to a common center, the earth was undoubtedly spherical. Even after a century after Aristotle, Eratosthenes note...

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