The Eucharist And The Catholic Church

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To the ordinary person the Eucharist looks like a piece of bread in the shape of a circle. But to the Catholic Church the Eucharist is Christ in the present form. The Eucharist is what makes the Catholic Church unique. In the beginning, Jesus Christ, at the Last supper broke the bread and gave it to His disciples and told them it was His Body and told them to eat it.
The Eucharist is what makes the Catholic Church Unique. Without the Eucharist The Catholic Church would just be a group of people that comes together to preach as a group. The Eucharist is what brings people to Christ. What I mean by that is that the Eucharist is the closest thing we have the Presence of Christ. The Eucharist is the living presence of Christ. The Eucharist helps …show more content…

The Eucharist inspires us to make good choices and do great actions for people. To a sinner the Eucharist helps to keep the sinner from sinning. I can compare the Eucharist and sin and the effects they have on each other to pepper spray and milk. Just like pepper spray when sin is put on a person, it blinds them from seeing the way or the right path. Temporarily stopping that person from getting to their destination. Milk is like the Eucharist, when you put milk in your eyes when you have pepper spray in them it doesn’t take away all the pain but it allows the person to see where they are going, letting them get to their destination. When we receive the Eucharist it doesn’t remove our sin, but it brings us closer to God letting us make good decisions eventually letting us get to our final destination, which is Heaven.
Christ knew that everyone was different, no two people are exactly the same, and everyone is unique. Christ knew that, and needed a way to bring the people together by ways everyone in the Church has in common. So what every person in the Catholic Church has in common is the Eucharist. Every member of the Catholic Church will receive the Eucharist at one point in his or her life. Therefore they all will have something in common, bringing the people …show more content…

This is because the Eucharist is what makes the Catholic Church different from the rest. The people of the Catholic Church should also revolve their life around the Eucharist, because the Eucharist is what Gives Catholics the strength and power they have in the Church and in their life. The Eucharist also give us grace to strength our relationship with the church and her members.
When Jesus Christ lived on the earth he was the perfect example for all of human kind. He was showed people how to care for others and for the world. The Eucharist kept the image of a perfect example. The Eucharist is so powerful in the lives of people that receive it, that the people go and be examples of Jesus Christ, spreading the mission of the church and showing people the ways of Jesus Christ and his teachings.
The Eucharist is the most important thing in the Catholic Church. The Eucharist is a guide for us, leading us to Heaven and then eventually to Jesus Christ himself. But we can’t just receive the Eucharist and go to Heaven, it’s not that easy. You must follow the rules of the Church. The biggest rules of the Church are the Ten Commandments. You also must go to church every Sunday and receive the Eucharist. And on of the biggest ones for receiving the Eucharist is no mortal sin, you must be free from mortal

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