The Ethicality Of Gender Selection

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Ever wondered if a mother has the possibility to choose the desired gender of the child? Gender selection is a procedure that offers a couple the opportunity to choose the sex of an unborn child. Many believe that Gender selection is a very dangerous procedure. They think that the cost is very expensive and not worth it. Also, the people say that gender selection takes away parts of the natural process of creating a child. However, many disagree with these beliefs. Gender selection is ethical because it can benefit families in many different ways.

Gender selection can benefit a couple because it gives them the power to choose the gender they want. Being able to pick the desired sex of the future child can keep a mother and father …show more content…

Many couples have tried to get a daughter, but they have gotten just guys. They continue trying to try to get the desired gender, but they end up having 6 guys and 0 girls.( In times it’s the opposite depending the situation.) One would feel very unsuccessful and unsatisfied if they had tried several times to get the child wanted, but they end up with the opposite. If doing gender selection a child wouldn’t be dealing with some harsh things that parents would tell them. In many situations there has been times where a parent gets frustrated with their son or child and tells them that they always wanted the opposite gender of them. Parents offend the child mentally and can cause the child to keep that in mind for the rest of their life. It is never a child's fault that he or she is a male or female. If picking the gender a mother or father would never state something like that to their child. Gender selection can also avoid abortions. Since a couple may had tried many times and they already had a lot of kids they decide to abort. When having many kids of the opposite gender one has desired can cause a mother to decide to abort. Abortions can be avoided if people use gender selection as an option. Gender selection can help an individual to control the size of the …show more content…

It makes it easier to be a good parent. When doing gender selection a parent would be able to choose the gender they want and they would be a very good parent towards them. Mothers can have very good skills in doing hair or love doing sports simple things like that can really help you be a great parent. If a mother has the option to choose the gender, they would choose what they believe is easiest for them. Gender selection can give you time to prepare everything for the child. When baby showers come usually a couple gets blue and pink accesories since no one knows what the child will be. If they knew they would have everything for the child's correct gender ahead of time. Many wait till they get their child just to make sure they don’t buy the wrong thing or anything. Gender selection would save so much and time and help a couple be less stressed. Everything for a child may take time and it would take even longer if having to wait for what gender it will be. If a couple knows what they want they can start painting the child’s room and getting anything needed ahead of time to welcome the child in the best way possible. Gender selection can really save time and help you be prepared for what is coming

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