The Enlistment of British Men in the Army in 1914

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The Enlistment of British Men in the Army in 1914 British men enlisted in the army in 1914 for a number of reasons. These reasons varied from Patriotism to enlisting in order to prevent intimidation from groups such as the white feather group. Many men actually believed it was their duty as citizens of this country to go and fight. A lot of them wanted to destroy the Germans as British propaganda had painted ruthless pictures of them in their minds. However, not all men fought out of principle and so called responsibility. The low pay of the army encouraged unemployed to sign up. Many felt they had no other option. Most people in Britain believed the war would be over by Christmas and after joining the army, thought they would be able to rejoin their families in time for the festive cheer. So, a large number of men decided to join the army for a bit of an adventure for a few months, wearing the country's colours. Regiments became very popular at the time of war. Numerous men, who did not want go into a totally new environment alone, had the chance to join a regiment. This was simply a group of people who you knew which made people more comfortable. Countless men found it hard to resist "Peer Pressure". A lot of men simply did not have the courage to resist pressure from their friends and family and just went along with them to prevent seeming spinelessness. Women, although not directly involved in the war still played a major part. No man wanted to look a coward in front of a woman. Women gave men not in uniform white feathers, but lots of men enlisted themselves before it got to that point. Men not in uniform often found it very hard to get served in pubs. The British government were extremely good at using propaganda, usually in the form of posters. Propaganda was a way to persuade men

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