The Encounter

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I drove into the Asda car park after what seemed like a lifetime,

stuck behind loud and obnoxious United fans. What more could you

expect from the red devils? Now I know how they got that nickname.

Once past the front gates I was greeted by yet another hold up. Just

in front of me was a purple Renault Clio driven by an elderly man

accompanied by his wife. So after having to suffer with slow driving,

non-English speaking United fans, I now had to put up with an old man

way past his road expiry date further holding me up. A human being can

only take so much until they snap. I had snapped long ago. All the

rage that was bubbling up inside me was finally released on this poor

old pensioner. Simultaneously cussing and beeping in my effort to try

to speed up his driving. But he didn't respond. The N-reg car

continued to move at the same steady speed of 1mph. At least it's

moving I thought to myself. I spoke to soon. The car came to a halt.

He turned the keys in the ignition. The only reply he got was a tired

whirr of the engine. He turned the keys again, another drone. He

turned the keys again, another whine. After this a tired splutter from

the engine gave it away. The car was not working.

Me being the model citizen that I am, got out of the warmth of my car

and helped to push his conked out car. A few seconds ago I loathed

this old man and his car, but now I found myself feeling pity. I now

was able to get a closer look at his face. He had creases in every

corner of his face, grey bristles poking out of his chin, his face was

a pale white with red spots concentrated on his forehead. His face was

expressionless he didn't show a hint of relief that I was there to

help him. We continued to push the car without either of us opening

our mouths and meeting eyes.

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