The Effects Of War On The Soldier 's Family At Home

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I believe that the affects of war on the soldier’s family at home are unrecognized. When people talk about war they mainly focus on the men at war although there can be many effects on the mothers and children who are left at home. Having a husband deployed creates stress on the family, war not only affects spouses and children it affects friends and other extended family as well. If one of the parents is deployed this leaves the other parent responsible for the household and family roles. The mother will have to continually reassure their children and other family members everything will be okay while they are also trying to reassure themselves. Spouses and children are both affected immensely and differently and it is important for people to be aware of these challenges.
The spouses of the soldiers must represent the roles of both the mother and the father when the deployed parent is away at war. This results in double the amount of work around the house and more responsibilities on their behalf; just having to perform these tasks around the house builds stress and anxiety. The spo...

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