The Effects Of Serial Killers

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Serial killers are defined as a person who kills multiple people over a long period of time. Everyone has experienced unique events throughout their life that shapes their personality and how they interact with people around them. In the case of Ronald Dominique, a serial killer who suffered a traumatic event while in jail, he was raped by an inmate. Although this event triggered his serial killings it does not justify his actions. Serial killers are justly punished for their actions with life sentences because they can no longer function as law-abiding citizens. Serial killers are prone to violence and aggression. They have prior criminal offenses and tend to escalate from petty crimes to murder. For example, Ronald Dominique had previously …show more content…

He recalled his victim’s murder from this memento which was the victim’s urine stored in a jar (Forsyth 867). Serial killers do not feel remorse for their victims they get a thrill from their killings and seek out this pleasure again and again. People without remorse cannot assimilate into society again after serial killings. As we could see with Dominique, he tried to be normal by helping in his community by calling out Bingo number for senior citizens and even went as far as to buy his whole family Christmas presents when they could not afford any (Forsyth 862), but in the end, he let the violent and aggressive side of his personality take over and lost the charitable facade he tried to make others see him as. Serial killers cannot think nor process things the same everyone one else …show more content…

This was certainly true for Dominique whose health was rapidly declining. Forsyth discusses his meeting with Dominique as surprising. He goes on to say that due to the brutality of the murders he was expecting “more physically fit man. Instead, I saw a five feet four inches, overweight, pale, unhealthy, out of shape, man, who could barely stand up. He had a heart condition that rendered him so weak that he had to sit on a stool in the shower. None of his victims could have felt threatened by him until he displayed a weapon. Indeed, he could have physically deteriorated from the stress and fear of being in jail, but even pictures of him taken in the past by his family did not show a man who possessed the brute force to have committed these crimes. It is still something that baffles me today” (866). His victims never thought a sickly man could pose any danger to them and let their guard down. Dominique used this to his advantage to lure men to his home, his storage room, or his car. Where he would then proceed to tie them up, rape them, and murder them (Forsyth

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