The Effects Of Cyber Bullying

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Nowadays bullying has gone much farther than just physical violence. Most teens today have either been cyber bullied or have been witnesses to it. Cyber bullying is a form of bullying that is done over electronic messaging or over social media. This is very new to many people of the older generation, but is very relevant to the new generation. Cyber bullying is becoming an increasingly big problem in the U.S. every year. Being a kid who has grown up with technology and social media I have witnessed cyber bullying many times in my life. I have had many friends that have fell victim to cyber bullying and this is why I chose to talk about this topic. Since this topic of bullying is overlooked in our society as not being an issue I decided to choose …show more content…

“First, many targets report feeling depressed, sad, angry, and frustrated.” (Hinduja and Patchin). These are just some of the bad effects that cyber bullying is causing for today’s teens. One of the worse effects of cyber bullying is the link between cyber bullying and suicide. “Finally, cyberbullied youth also report having suicidal thoughts, and there have been a number of examples in the United States and abroad where youth who were victimized ended up taking their own lives.” (Hinduja and Patchin). This alarming fact should be the wakeup call to the U.S. that we need to do something about this problem and fast. Cyber bullying simply does not just hurt someone’s feelings, but it is taking lives of our youth. The first step to help prevent this issue can be to have our schools inform the students of the dangers of cyber bullying. “Furthermore, school district personnel should review their harassment and bullying policies to ensure that it allows for the discipline of students who engage in cyberbullying.” (Hinduja and …show more content…

Some people think it is a very serious issue and others think that it is just overrated. The problem is most people cannot agree on a solid statistic of cyber bullying in the U.S. Everyone has a different number or percentage of cyber bullying in the U.S. “Kids, due to their inherent lack of a developed world view, say "mean or hurtful" things all the time. Trying to portray this as "evidence" of widespread bullying is disingenuous.” (Cushing 1). This is a popular view point among many people. It is also a valid view point. “i-Safe may be a non-profit, but it still sells subscriptions to instructional software through its website. i-Safe has a vested interest in portraying bullying as worse than it actually is.” (Cushing 1). This is another very valid point the author is trying to make. Some companies will mislead you to thinking a problem is worse than it is just to make a profit. On the opposite side of this view point is that cyber bullying is a very serious issue and is getting worse in our country. Some people are very worried in our country about the harmful effects that cyber bullying can have on our youth. “One of the biggest concerns about cyberbullying, however, is the effects on victims ' mental health outcomes, particularly suicide and depression.” (Edwards, Kontostathis and Fisher). This is a very valid point why cyber bullying is a serious issue. Both sides of this argument make valid point but

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