The Effects Of Artificial Intelligence

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The human brain is a complex marvel capable of endless processes. It can imagine, reason, produce works of great wonder, and make sense of intricate disciplines, such as politics and economics. Artificial Intelligence (AI) aims to replicate this, creating machines capable of completing human tasks more efficiently. A machine, equipped with a sense of awareness and an ever growing base of knowledge, represents the promise of technology but also the potential destruction of humanity. Before calling artificial intelligence into existence, humans must consider the issues linked with artificial intelligence that may threaten their livelihoods: the risk of hostility, ceded control over information, and a diminished role in an AI dominated world. The
Proponents of artificial intelligence would argue that AI can be created and controlled in such a way that will bring tremendous benefits to humanity. They claim that a system continuously improving itself and capable of effectively learning and adapting would create prosperity (Kelly 307). However, objectors would argue that a self-sustaining, constantly developing artificial intelligence must reach a point in its development when it realizes that the only impediment to its survival and prosperity is humanity itself. Perhaps one of the best depictions of an AI system can be found in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey, where HAL (Heuristically programmed Algorithmic computer), a sentient computer, becomes fatally hostile towards humans (Carr 313). It is not known to what capacity malfunctioning or hostile machines will act, therefore, we must be wary of self-aware AI machines of potentially leaving humanity in a state of devastation. 
 The second problem lies in the potential for information manipulation by AI machines. As noted by Nicholas Carr, the development and proliferation of the internet has made information readily available, easy to use, and searchable (Carr 315). However, it has also diminished the ability of humans to think, reason and appraise
When an AI-controlled machine, an intelligent and self-aware supercomputer, establishes itself into such an environment, it is highly probable that it will absorb and mimic these concepts but with much greater success than any human. In such a world, information and misinformation would be the area of intellect that is vastly superior to that of any human, and barred from any effective control, leads towards the possibility of manipulation on a scale that is unprecedented in human history. 
 Lastly, in a hypothetical world completely dominated and operated by intelligent machines, humanity finds itself in a state of flux. Computers and robots have already proven capable of handling complex activities like flying planes, preparing taxes and even defeating the great Kasparov at Chess (Kelly 306, Thompson 342). If AI-controlled machines assume responsibility for the production of food, goods, services and every item needed to sustain life, how will human life advance when all of its challenges have been sorted (Kelly 309)? If automation takes over basic work assigned to humans, would humanity become a race of poets, artisans, and philosophers or continuously bored beings

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