The Effect of the Concentration Amylase on the Rate of Breakdown of Starch

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The Effect of the Concentration Amylase on the Rate of Breakdown of Starch Investigation: To find the effect of the concentration amylase on the rate of breakdown of starch. Prediction The lower the concentration of amylase, the slower the breakdown of starch will be. If you double the amount of amylase, the breakdown of starch will be quicker because there are twice as many active sites. I expect to see a graph like: [IMAGE] Rate of Breakdown [IMAGE] Concentration of amylase Research Enzymes are made of long protein molecules, which are folded up so they have an irregular globular shape. One part of the surface is the active site and fits exactly into the substrates, which then reacts. When a substrate molecule collides with an enzyme it becomes attached to the active site of the enzyme and the reaction then takes place. The products then leave the active site, which can be used again. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Temperature effects the efficiency of the enzymes. The higher the heat the greater the proportion of damage on the enzyme. The enzyme will no longer fit in the active site. Below normal temperatures, enzymes become less and less active, due to reductions in speed of molecular movement, but this is reversible, so enzymes work effectively when returned to normal temperature. In digestion the substance which is present at the beginning of the experiment is called the substrate. The substance made at the end of the reaction is called the product. For example, in saliva there is an enzyme known as amylase (which is being used in this investigation). It catalyses the breakdow... ... middle of paper ... ...ld have been the fact that the starch was left out so long. Being left out for a while meant that the starch became viscous and stuck to the sides of the boiling tube. This could have resulted in a variation of the volume of starch being mixed together with the different concentrations of amylase. In the future a more accurate measuring cylinder could be used because the measuring cylinder used in this investigation was only to the nearest 0.1 cm3. The colour of the iodine solution could have also caused some inaccuracies because different shades of brown could have been chosen. This would have made the time taken for the starch to break down different. Overall, I think I used my time well, I followed my method and gained fairly accurate results in the time given. My prediction was supported by the results.

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