The Effect of Teaching About Discipleship on Christians Today

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The Effect of Teaching About Discipleship on Christians Today

The teaching of discipleship affects the life of a modern day

Christian in many different ways. The teaching of Christian belief,

practice, authority, organization and sacrifice affects how a modern

day Christian lives his life.

Christian belief affects how a modern day Christian lives his life

because he must consider how he can show as much belief as the

original twelve disciples showed in Jesus and what he did. Belief is

shown many times in Mark's gospel. Simon and Andrew had belief in

Jesus because when Jesus says to them "come with me and I will teach

you to catch men" they just drop everything and go with him. This is

very important because if they said no, then there probably wouldn't

be disciples, but the didn't say no, they just dropped everything and

went with Jesus which showed that they had belief in him. This shows

that belief is very important in a modern day Christian's life because

they are meant to show belief just like the original disciples did.

They are to sacrifice their old lives and accept new ones.

Belief in sacrifice and service is also very important in a modern day

Christian's life because Jesus serviced 5000 people by feeding them

with bread, if he didn't do this they would have died of hunger. Jesus

sacrifice is also shown when he is up on the cross, because he is

prepared to sacrifice his life for his beliefs. He says 'Forget self

and carry cross'. This is an inspirational quote for many modern day

Christians today, which means accepting hardships and always putting

others first. This could involve fasting for charity or doing a

sponsored run. It could involve training as a nurse or a counselor,

despite the poor pay

All these beliefs affect how disciples live their lives. The Disciples

practice their beliefs in a number of different ways. Jesus shows that

discipleship is about belief and practice when the woman in the temple

puts all she has into offertory chest without any fuss unlike the rich

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