The Effect of Different Salt Solutions on Potato Chips

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In this experiment I will investigate osmosis in potato chips. I will

do this by placeing 3 different poatoes in 3 different solutions. One

will be pure water and the other 2 will be different concentrations of

salt solution. In this experiment I want to find out what will happen

to their masses. I will carry this experiment out over the time space

of an hour to give osmosis a chance to happen. I believe that the

method I am choosing to do is suitable because I will be able to

record what happens to the potato chip in the pure water and what

happens to the potato chip which is in the concetrated salt solution.

I will have recorded the mass at the beggining and at the end so i

will be able to work out the percentage change and see the diiference

in the change of mass. From this I will be able to observe in which

solution the potato will grow in mass and in which it will decrease in


Even before i have done the experiment, I am in a position to make a

predictio using my own knowledge of osmosis. I predict that the

potatoes in pure water will increrase in mass and the poatoes in the

salt solutions will decrease in mass and the potato which is in the

greatest salt solution will decrease in mass the most. I can make

these predictions now by using the theory of osmosis. The potato in

the pure water will grow in mass because the water concentration

outside the potato is greater than the water concentration inside. "

Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a high water

concentration to a low water concentration through a partial permiable

membraine." Therefore i can back up my prediction by saying the

potatoes in the salt solutions will shrink because the concetration of

water inside the potato is greater than the water concentration

outside and therefore will decrease in mass because the water will

move from inside to the outside.

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