The Doberman Pinscher

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The Doberman Pinscher is a quick thinking and bold dog, who brings to his family a sense of security and unquestionable devotion. They are an incorruptible guardian of home and family, one who meets each stranger confidently and judges them with unerring accuracy. The Doberman Pinscher is considered one of the best guard dog breeds.

Only those with experience should own this dog. They require a solid pack leader who will train, socialize and exercise them properly. The Doberman has the potential of becoming overly protective and aggressive. It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure their dog is well trained and is always under control and behaves in a well-mannered way. Those who train this formidable breed with brutality are looking for trouble. This type of training can bring out far more aggression in them, making them dangerous and unpredictable. Training that is firm, constant and fair is best and should be positive reward focused.

The Doberman Pinscher is so often seen as a guard dog that their loving personality is frequently overlooked. They are affectionate and gentle...

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