The Division Of Labor Of The Home

716 Words2 Pages

Often viewed in several different ways, the division of labor of the home is never easy to assign. Willingly taking on their assigned roles, numerous families abide by these assignments, still; other marriages want equality in this division of household chores. Countless of these tasks can be strenuous and demanding. The responsibilities that come with these daily routines can also be life threatening if not carefully performed. A few of the duties in the day-to-day trade of maintaining a household include tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for children. Division of labor among races is also different. These cultures influence how family roles come about and transpire. First, traditional Mexican American women undertake the household chores with pride. Second, a lot of white women show pride in their homes, however, also choose to have a career. Finally, the division of chores amongst these races differs in what gender of that culture is responsible for certain duties. Culture demonstrates that Hispanic women show pride in maintaining their homes and families...

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