The Disadvantages Of Translation Technology: The Cons And Disadvantages Of Translation Technology

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Now that we have seen the pros of TMs, we can continue on with some of the disadvantages of this translation technology.
• First and foremost, TMs change the translator´s cognitive process as reported by Mossop (2006, 790), Biau Gil and Pym (2006, 9), and Pym (2011, 1). This change in the mental process is confirmed by studies carried by Christensen and Schjoldager (2011, 124), Dragsted (2006, 460), and LeBlanc´s (2013, 7) collected testimonials from professional translators. The change in the cognitive process resides in the very fact that TMs work with segments as explained previously. Since TMs work with segments rather than the whole text, they force translators to work on a sentence-by-sentence approach (LeBlanc 2013, 7). As a result of this imposition, many translators said that it affects the quality of the text in terms of cohesion and idiomaticity since translators can hardly see the source and target text in full view (ibid.). As Pym (2011) states, the disruption of the linearity of the text and broken into a paradigmatic form results in the …show more content…

TMs indeed increase productivity and allow translators to process more translation jobs in a faster way. We cannot deny that TMs make the translation process less intense by eliminating the extra work of translating repetitive sections of a text so that we can concentrate on the sections that are most needed. Unfortunately, under TMs, translation has become a mere sentence replacement activity; even worst they have the potential to erode translator´s skills when used excessively. As TMs are becoming increasingly integrated into the translator´s profession, and the demand and need for their use will only grow (Lagoudaki 2006), there is no doubt that TMs are here to stay. Therefore, technology is no longer an option given today´s professional world; it is a

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