The Development of Romeo's Character from Love-sick Callowness to Determined Passion

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The Development of Romeo's Character from Love-sick Callowness to Determined Passion 'From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, A pair of star crossed lovers take their life…' Already from the prologue the audience know the protagonists die. The situations that Romeo experiences are what change his character from lovesick callowness to determined passion over a period of only five days. After the fray in the beginning of the play. Montague and Benvolio are discussing Romeo's recent behaviour. Romeo has been hanging about 'the grove of sycamores' in the early mornings. Notice the pun on sick-amour. 'Many a morning hath he been seen with tears augmenting…' The primaritive impression the audience get of Romeo is of an immature and sensitive boy because he has been crying a lot lately due to him being lovesick over Rosaline. When we first actually meet Romeo we find he is artificial in his speeches and sad in the sense that you wouldn't want to know him. He moans that 'sad hours seem long…' This implies he doesn't do much all day except crying. Also he has been avoiding his friends lately. Romeo physically deprives himself of light this is a very dramatic and over the top thing to do. This is also typical of his character at this stage. 'Away from light steals home my heavy son,… Shuts up his windows and locks fair daylight out' Later in the play we find Romeo describing Juliet as light in darkness. Juliet becomes Romeo's saviour, from taking him out of this morose mood and the darkness by being his light, - as he describes her. The audience gather that Romeo has unrequited love for Rosaline, whic... ... middle of paper ... ...determined passion driving him now to commit suicide to be with his wife, Juliet. Fate is what caused the tragedy; right form the beginning it was by chance the servant did not know how to read and Romeo read the invitations and went to the party this is where he met Juliet. Then the prologue begins to come to life. Throughout the play they are subtle hints that there is a tragedy about to take place. For example when Romeo is leaving Juliet for the last time. Juliet has a premonition so does Romeo. Both think the other is looking pale .She says 'now thou art so low, as one dead in the bottom of a tomb'. Again fate is talking. Nothing that anyone did could have changed that. Still the lovers were destined to be together and they are. Even if Romeo did not commit suicide fate would have caught up with him later.

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