The Development Of Digital Art: The Evolution Of Art

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Art has been around since as long as people know. It has evolved throughout time and dates back all the way to the first existence of human life. Art has always been a part of a large number of people's lives and has spread emotion and inspiration throughout the world. To just process what life would be like without art is hard to think about, it would be like going around with no sight. Without art, life would be drastically different. There would be no interesting architecture, vivid images or billboards, no individual style, and a numerous amount of details in our everyday life. From prehistoric times to present time art has evolved more than people can process. Art has gone from almost nothing to many forms and has become bigger and better …show more content…

Digital art became more known to individuals during the mid-20th century. Digital art is much like drawing, people have to be skilled with these tools just as they do with drawing tools. To succeed in digital art one still has to learn how to use each tool and practice with it to get better. The same goes for drawing, one needs to keep practicing and trying to learn to get better. There are many different websites to use in digital art and many different techniques for it such as photoshop. With digital art there are so many options to do, one can make their artwork lifelike or like nothing seen on Earth. Technology has had a big impact the way art has evolved, it all started with something simple such as color and a canvas. Art has become complex and now there are millions of online tools to achieve the art wanted. It is much more simple now to go from a white screen to making something look very abstract and life like. Although digital art has greatly progressed, it is still more of a new concept and can still be improved from as it is today. Once people are able to create a much more detailed image with digital art it will be as great as drawing or painting. If one goes up close to a painting they will be able to see the brush strokes and the little details, but as of for digital art if one gets closer it is made of many pixels and does not give as great detail (Maraviglia). Another type of art that is well …show more content…

Pigments give life to paintings and drawings, without color art would be very boring tedious. Different types of pigments have evolved over time and there are many different ways to make them. There are numerous ways to process making a pigment, such as combining elements from the earth, crushing elements into a fine powder, burning them, and many other techniques. One pigment that was first made was red and it was first used in prehistoric times in cave paintings. The red pigment was first found in soils that were full of iron. Centuries later the red pigment was made from a cochineal insect mostly found in Mexico, and this insect produced a red dye that they used to make the pigment (Gottesman). There are some types of pigments such as green that have once been harmful to the making of them. While making the green pigment many people used a type of mold that was harmful to breathe in and people have become very ill from the process of making it. There are millions of ways to make pigments and people still have yet to discover different routes for making them. Pigments can still progress with type and become more vivid and prominent as the elements to make them become more known and advanced. From pigments being made to present day art we have greatly progressed and still have time in the future to succeed

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