The Destruction Of The Indies Summary

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The first english settlers were in Roanoke island left by John White 3 years ago but they were the lost colony and the first in the New World in 1585.

The Expansion of Europe
Western Europe was an agricultural society with most people being peasants. Europe had a social system called feudalism, where the lords controlled the land and the peasants worked for them and gave them a share of crops.

Europe was fragmented but was controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. There was a huge Jewish population because of persecution from the Romans in Palestine and experienced discrimination from the Christians.

Living conditions were harsh for the peasants with their only diet consists of bread and porridge. There was many diseases including the epidemic …show more content…

The also raided Jamaica and Puerto Rico in 1508 and Cuba in 1511 when there was no gold in Hispania.

The Aztecs was a huge society with the capital over water and a population over 200,000. Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico in 1519 and conquered the Aztec in 1521 while they were facing small pox.

A priest named Antonio de Montesinos condemned the violence in the Indies saying the human race is one but nobody listens to him. The book The Destructions of the Indies written by Las Cabas shows the Spanish abuse to the Indians for exploitation. He writes that their lowered population was due to fighting and wars but in reality was epidemics and low birthrate.

The intercontinental exchange of the new world and the old world was silver and gold to Europe with new crops like maize, potatoes, sugar, rice, coffee, tobacco, vanilla, and chocolate. What europe introduced to the new world was horses.

The governor of Puerto Rico, Peon de Leon lands in southeast of America and calls it Florida and was killed in 1921. Another expedition by Panfilo de Narvaez was ruined by shipwreck but survivor Nunez Cabeza de Vaca writes about a city Cibola. De Soto tries to find Cibola but leaves and dies on the way. Vasquez de Coronado dies another expedition but found nothing and the Spanish stops investing of the

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