The Demons

574 Words2 Pages

It was 6am and the sky was crying again. As the tears pelted down and hit my skin like needles, which left me shivering and raw, I stumbled to my feet, dazed and confused, with no idea of where I was. The skeletal trees were grasping at the pallid sky and as I stood in the midst of this empty hell-hole a sudden burst of realisation hit me that I was on the run. Running from the demons who took my innocence, but deep down, I knew they would find me.

I shook of the pessimistic thoughts and pulled myself together the best I could. If these monsters wanted me, they will have to kill me first. I knew what I had to do, I had to leave this godforsaken place and hide, but my wounded leg wasn't so agreeing on wanting to leave. As I limped through the piles of decayed leaves and broken limbs which fell from the trees, trying my best to ignore the pain and the blood which was trickling down my knees, which was staining my torn dress which was once a light pink ,but now was as dark as the the soil I walked on. My hair was drenched and fell limp across my face and my mascara was running wild down my skin. And as I looked down towards my exposed and cut feet I saw Rosary Beads hanging from my neck which sent a burning sensation throughout my body. God would have to beg me for my forgiveness. With force I tore the necklace off my neck and watched all the beads scatter across the dampened ground.

As I continued to walk across the dim, wet ground, a strong smell of decaying presence hit me. I knew they had arrived. With all the strength I had left in me, I ran. I ran as fast as I could. All the trees were glaring at me with eyes of emptiness and arms of warm welcomes, but I knew they rooted evil. I was stricken with fear and panic and could not leave the state of paranoia. I ran so fast until a small, dead, animal carcass became intertwined with me and caused me to plummet downwards on to the ground. “You can't run for ever Elizabeth” a loud voice echoed which caused all of life to take a stand still and the small creatures to scurry into hiding.

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