The Decline in Morality Has Caused an Increase in Crime

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The Decline in Morality Has Caused an Increase in Crime

In an age where violent crime is more dominant than ever and morality is not heard of, there arise many problems that result from each other. The past thirty years, our society has been determined to secularize itself and to separate from many moral standards that root from the Bible. Since moral values were removed from schools in the 1960's, crime and immorality has steadily risen. It is evident that declining morals has a direct effect on the crime rate.

Morality has been eliminated from typical American life through many factors, thus eliminating the reason this nation first began. James Madison said, "We've staked our future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with." Our founding fathers believed that you couldn't even call yourself an "American" if you subvert the moral teachings of the Bible. In his farewell address, Washington said, "You can't have National morality apart from religious principle." It is obviously true because when the religious principle was rampantly taught, moral intelligence was higher, and the crime rate under control.

Since the moral teaching was thrown out of the classroom almost 40 years ago, there has been a 560% increase in violent crime. Births out of wedlock has risen more than 400%. Teen suicide has increased more than 200% (Cozic 109). Twenty percent of schoolchildren carry weapons to school (Colson). Our nation leads the industrialized nations in murder, rape and violent crime (Cozic 110). These shocking statistics can be explained and understood through history.

The decline in morality all began in the 1960's with a severe cultural revolution which "exalted existential...

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...o law. There has never been a case in history in which a society has been able to survive for long without a strong moral code. Recovering our moral code is the only way our society can survive. Recovering what our nation was founded on is the only way the crime rate will reasonably drop.


Works Cited

Colson, Chuck. "Can We Be Good Without God?" Imprimis 22. Hillsdale College


Cozic, Charles P., ed. American Values. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc, 1995.

McIsaac, Hugh. "The Moral Intelligence of Children." Family and Conciliation Courts

Review 36 (1998): 90-91.

Schweigert, Francis J. "Moral Justice in Victim Offender Conferencing." Criminal

Justice Ethics 18 (1999): 29-40.

Watt, Margo C., et al. "Moral Intelligence in a Sample of Incarcerated Females."

Criminal Justice and Behavior 27 (2000): 330-55.

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