The Debate Over Banning Smoking in Public Places

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The Debate Over Banning Smoking in Public Places

In my opinion I think smoking should banned from public places. My

reasons for this are;

People who smoke should be considerate of that fact that not only are

they damaging their own existing health but also they are harming the

others around them who are only breathing in the tobacco smoke.

During the past ten years of tests, experiments etc. on the effect of

smoking both directly and passive, there is now enough scientific

evidence to prove that exposure to second-hand smoke both harms

health, and worsens existing health problems and at least one thousand

people are estimated to die each year in the UK as the result of

exposure to other people's tobacco smoke.

This means that not only are the smokers making their health even

worse and increasing their chances of getting diseases such as cancer

or bronchitis but also they are killing those around them knowingly.

Smokers need to accept that if they feel the need to have to smoke

then fair enough, but not if it's costing the lives of those around

them having to breathe in the many toxic chemicals that are contained

in a cigarette. If smoking is banned in public places then this will

please not only the smokers but also the others dying from passive

smoking. The Smokers can still smoke, and the non - smokers can still

carry out their daily lives without being affected as much as they

were when smoking was allowed in public places.

In a normal cigarette, there is in total 4,000 chemicals found in the

cigarette smoke, this is one of the many reasons to why one in three

people who smoke die before their 65th birthday.

The t...

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...from passive smoking. But not only is it that adults are

smoking, but more recently teenagers or children from a very early age

are actually smoking, some probably knowing the few short - term

affects of it but not realising what the long term affects of smoking


In conclusion, not only will the ban of smoking in public places

benefit the non - smokers or those suffering from passive smoking, the

smokers can also be satisfied with doing it in another enclosed

environment away from others. I think this is a good idea because;

currently we are nowhere near banning smoking completely. So for a

temporary solution to reduce health problems for passive smoking, the

ban will help to isolate the smokers and then possibly leading up to

smokers having to give up when maybe the day that cigarettes are

banned completely.

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