The Danger Of Volcanoes: The Danger Of Volcanoes

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Volcano. A word that we are all taught to simultaneously fear and question. An image that we admire through a screen, too afraid to look at up close. We think of its beauty and that fiery danger hidden within. The inevitable danger of a volcano is what most of us were taught and is what we believe, but do we really have to shy away from these explosive rocks? The answer is no. Many people live their everyday lives next to or near a volcano and tourists come from all around to see them. How do these people stay safe? What do these people do to protect themselves from this ever looming threat? This is the question that I put before you. What are the most effective techniques to keep safe when inhabited or visiting a neighboring village near or …show more content…

The general survival of the human race is always our main priority, whether it’s our own, a stranger’s or a loved one’s we have the protective urge built in. So when near dangerous areas we are always extra cautious of our surroundings. This protectiveness and cautiousness of our surroundings can lead us to be afraid to take risks and actually visit many places with dangers that are otherwise beautiful. One of these avoided dangers is an active volcano. Whether you live near one or are a tourist, being near an active volcano is scary especially if you don’t know how to keep safe if there is an eruption. Luckily there are some general tips to survive that everyone can follow. First, it must be understood that there are other dangers an eruption can cause than the main thing. Some of these are mudflows-dirt and ash mixed with water heading down the volcano at extreme speeds-, flash flooding-if there is rain or rivers near the volcano-, wildland fires- lava and magma can cause flammable objects to burst into flame. If these objects are in a forest, fires can wreak havoc in the wildland- and hot ash flows- also known

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