The Crucible Passage Analysis

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One thing God has been teaching me in the past couple weeks is just how much knowledge is packed into a passage of scripture. So many different revelations can be received from one same passage of scripture. The passage I choose to exegate is Acts 10, which includes the account of Peter and Cornelius. The person I want to focus in on in this passage is Peter because for one, we see a heart change take place in Peter in this passage and two, God works through his obedience to begin a new movement of Christianity. In verse nine of Acts chapter ten, we are told how Peter is going up on the roof to pray. The passage begins with mentioning the time at which Peter is praying which is in the sixth hour, and this is referring to about noon. The time is included because, “Noon or the sixth hour is not one of the normal Jewish times of prayer. Peter here illustrates the practice of the apostles and early Christians to pray …show more content…

He is trying to show him how anything that He has made is worthy. Peter doesn’t know what this means at the time, but he is soon to find out. Three Gentiles come knocking on Peter’s door at that moment and the Lord is sure to tell Peter that they are sent by Him. Peter accepts them in and ends up going back to their masters home with them to speak. Peter learns a very important lesson during this time. “The scriptures of the Old Testament had spoken plainly of the bringing in of the Gentiles into the church. Christ had given plain intimations of it when he ordered them to teach all nations; and yet even Peter himself, who knew so much of his Master’s mind, could not understand it, till it was here revealed by vision, that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs,” (Henry, Web). He gets to the understanding that the vision God revealed to him was not about eating animals at all, but about accepting everyone whom God created, no matter their background or

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