The Crucible Compare And Contrast Essay

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In a society that demands conformity we see the effects on individuals who suffer in both The Crucible and Year of Wonders with their independence. The protagonist, John Proctor in The Crucible shares similar qualities with Anys Gowdie in Year of Wonders. Proctor’s disregard for social and religious customs creates a conflict between him and his community. He fails to conform to the teachings of society and is punished for his sins. He falters when recalling the ten commandments and commits the act of lechery. For this he suffers greatly, hanged for his confession of a lie. Much like Anys Gowdie who also does not attend church or any religious practices in complete disregard for the community’s religious views. For this she also suffers momentously as she is hanged on the accusation of witchery in the …show more content…

These circumstances are similar in Eyam. Abigail rises above this and takes some control of who she is standing up for women in the community. She gathers many girls to her side to protest in the court and bring power into the women of Salem. In Year of Wonders we see this shift in power through Anna. She gets advice from Anys who believes women are all just “shackled to their menfolk”. This builds Anna’s independence and respect for Anys. Abigail and Anna are examples of individuals who suffer as they refuse to conform to society’s views. They are shamed for many of the practices they undertake. Conformity in these communities not only affects individuals but also families. The Proctors as a family experience conflict with the community as they struggle to conform to the harsh Puritan views of Salem. They fail to attend church on the sabbath day consecutively and their third son has not yet been baptised. These are acts of the Devil in Salem and harsh penalties apply. The family as a whole suffers for these accusations of dealing with devil and refusal to conform to the beliefs of the

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