The Cost Of Flying Cars

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Did anyone think before why would he/she have a flying car? Do people need them? Ever since Back to the Future come out and may be even before that too, everyone starts to dream about flying cars; when they will come true, how will they look like, how much they will cost? Regardless, almost nobody thinks about if we do need flying cars or if they will be so fascinating and useful as they think. The author of the article believe that people still do not have flying cars because they are so expensive to be purchased, they will need a new system,they are too risky. Flying cars are more expensive than vehicles. Unlike normal cars, flying cars will mostly be reachable by rich people. Purchasing a new car usually starts approximately from $12000 if it is not too up to date, in addition, if it is used, it will be cheaper. In other words, automobiles are attainable by most of the average people despite car’s model and how fast it is. For example, almost all the middle-class people can effort at least a car per family. Nevertheless, the cheapest flying car …show more content…

In order to launch the flying cars product the government will have to spend a lot of money on new regulations. Furthermore, the government will have to spend money on new roads to be the runway for the flying cars and a new type of license that will gather the rules of flying and driving together. Also, if the government will let people use the flying cars, it will have to come up with a new type of license that will let people fly their cars safely like driving their own cars now. By way of illustration, in order for flying cars to take off it will need special roads like planes to fly. To be more realistic people have to ask themselves will the government spend a lot of money like that on no more than a luxury for rich people. Or would it rather spend it on something really worth that money like upgrading the educating system or

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