The Cost Of College Education In The United States

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College education has become an expensive luxury rather than a fundamental right in the United States. Many Americans have and are on the verge of letting their dreams fade away. These are potential politicians, doctors, firefighters, teachers, humanitarians and possibly scientists that encounter a numerous amount of doors closed on them due to the government’s indifference on education . The U.S. Government should pay for the first two years of every American citizen’s college education. In this case, having the government financially cushion the students would naturally offer life changing opportunities at no cost. Americans would be given a reason to seek a career, to discover and explore their purpose in society, and be helping hands in preventing all sorts of global problems. …show more content…

So how does one live up to the system’s standards? The financial burden is a real obstacle in most cases for those who have given up on attending college. One can only assume that those who are thirsty in pursuing a career must succeed in finding their own way to comprehend their resources in order to develop a tangible path towards a vocation. The percentage of college students are increasing and more and more bodies choose community college to start their path to success. In the process of finding the right path, one discovers that is only through a career that they are able to obtain a stable life style and a financially secure future. Unfortunately, not every American has the ability of finding their way out of their financial storm and or cannot count with the same resources as other students have in order to sustain themselves while maintaining a college

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