The Controversy Of Hijab

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The controversy of hijab is sort of a double edged sword. In fact in certain countries around the world hijab is either banned or required. If a Muslim woman chooses to wear hijab or not they could be mocked or possibly even killed. This conflict makes for an interesting debate for many Muslims and feminists around the world. Many Muslims believe that women must wear hijab because of scriptural interpretations and cultural law. The Quran and Hadith states that both men and women should dress modestly. This is wear most Muslims start to interpret the text differently. Women and people who believe that you are not required to wear hijab interpret the text as exactly what it says, to dress modest. Technically the Quran does not say that women are required to wear hijab but Muslims who believe that you are required to wear hijab interpret the “dressing modest” as you are required to wear hijab. Hijab was also required in some countries so through legal traditions many people feel as if wearing the veil should be required. …show more content…

During the film you could see that some of the women were being ridiculed for wearing hijab. You could also see debated between Muslims that were basically arguments about if you are required to wear hijab or not. The reason they feel that it is an empowering decision either way is because in some cultures you may be conforming by wearing a veil or you could be going against the social norm. This means that by wearing one you could be making a feminist statement or a religious statement but you can also make the same statement by not wearing a veil. It all comes down to the culture you are in at that

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