The Contrasting Views of Roger Williams and John Winthrop

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The Contrasting Views of Roger Williams and John Winthrop
People immigrated to America for many reasons, most people shared in the same ideas of going to the New World to start new lives away from England. Roger Williams and John Winthrop both joined in the Puritan dissent to New England, but while they were living in Boston, Massachusetts they did not agree on several matters. These two men had contrasting views when it came to Christianity, separating from the Church of England and religious liberty.
First, Roger Williams does not believe that Christianity was the only religion of God. He believes that God created human beings and endowed them with the inborn right to make choices in the matters of faith. While staying with the Narragansett Indians he witnesses and studies their religion. They had their own God and beliefs but a lot of their beliefs matched the ones of Christianity. Williams didn’t agree with the Puritans thoughts on trying to convert the Indians to Christianity because he believed they had the right to practice their religion with their own God. Whereas, John Winthrop has strong beliefs when it comes to Christianity and the duties and obligations to God. In his sermon titled A Modell of Christian Charity, he reminds his fellow travelers of their covenant with God and to honor their duties to him “or surely they shall perish” (God In America) in the New World. Winthrop also set out clear and eloquently the ideals of a harmonious Christian community and their triumph or failure would stand as the example to the world.
Second, Roger Williams believes strongly when it comes to separating from the Church of England. He protests not only should the Puritans “separate from Church but repent they had ever served i...

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...rating from the Church of England and religious liberty are three of the main battles the people of the New World went through. Roger Williams and John Winthrop are two of the well-known men that argued for and against these liberties. With all the commotion people thought Roger Williams was causing, his notion of a “wall of separation” (174) between church and state inspired the founders of the United States to incorporate it into the Constitution and Bill of Rights. He opened the door for people who were beginning to believe on their own and stand up for what they wanted.

Works Cited

Franklin, Gura, Klinkowitz, Krupat, Levine, Loeffelholz, Reesman, Wallace. The Norton Anthology of American Literature Seventh Edition Volume A. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, Inc. , 2007.
God In America. 11 October 2010. 09 03 2014

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