The Cons of the Death Penalty

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The Cons of the Death Penalty “…Over 600 people were falsely convicted and 35 faced death for crimes that they did not commit…”(Johnson). The death penalty is an ineffective and expensive way of dealing justice to the American people. It is easier and cheaper to send someone to prison for life than to have them face the death penalty and be executed. Capital punishment is an unnecessary punishment because criminals are already managed at prisons. 69 The death penalty can lead to the death of innocent people. For example, “…According to a new study, serious errors occur in almost 70% of all trials leading to the death penalty…”(Leibman). This shows that if 100 people were put on death row, 70 would have serious mistakes in their cases, enough mistakes to have them executed even if they were innocent. This unacceptable amount of errors is the number one cause for mistrust of the legal system. In addition, “…dozens of inmates have been put to death in Texas despite unreliable evidence…”(The Chicago Tribune). This statement alone shows the truth about the death penalty. Innocen...

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