The Confusion Matrix: False Positive And True Negative Values

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The confusion matrix is important because it tells us our True Positive, True Negative, False Positive, False Negative values. Our True Positive (TP) value is found in the upper left corner of the matrix and is 99. Our True Negative (TN) value is located the bottom right corner of the matrix and its value is 181. Our False Positive (FP), bottom left, and False Negative (FN), top right, are 73 and 89 respectively. False Positive and False Negative represent classification errors while the True Positive and True Negative values represent correct classifications. We can tell some interesting things from looking at our confusion matrix. For one thing, the model misclassified instances that were NO almost as many times as it correctly classified these instances. On the other hand, our model did a much better job of correctly classifying instances in the YES category. …show more content…

The sum of all values in the confusion matrix is equal to 30% of our dataset because that is the portion of instances we reserved for testing. We can get the True Positive rate which is the portion of instances correctly identified in the positive class, using the formula TP/(TP+FN)=99/(99+89)=.53. The False Positive rate, which is the number correctly identified in the negative class, is calculated as FP / (FP + TN)=73/(73+181)=.29. Precision is calculated as TP / (TP + FP)=99/(99+73)=58. Finally, the F-measure is calculated as (2*TP) / (2*TP + FP + FN)=(2*99)/(2*99+73+89)=.55. These are good evaluators but they are all single threshold

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