The Conflict in Vietnam Between 1956 and1968

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What Different Tactics Did Both Sides use in an Attempt to Win the Conflict in Vietnam Between 1956 and1968? Both sides used different tactics and had to adapt strategies in response to the conditions they had to meet. Vietnam has some of the harshest conditions possible in which to fight. From the swamps, paddy fields and the Mekong delta in the south, to the mountainous jungles in the north; it was all alien to the Americans. The geography in Vietnam was so different to what the American soldiers had been trained in, that they found it difficult to exploit the landscape and make good use of it. The Vietcong, however were on their home soil and made optimum use of the landscape to the disadvantage of the U.S forces. The monsoon rains also proved to be problem for the Americans. It transformed the ground into sticky clay. The Vietcong and the NVA had no problem with these conditions as it was their home. So right from the beginning the Americans were at an immediate disadvantage. At the beginning of the conflict the U.S were cautious about bombing North Vietnam. President Johnson needed an excuse to initiate an air campaign in North Vietnam. This came in the form of the attack on the American base at Plieku. President Johnson now had the full support of the U.S electorate and on 11 February 1965 operation Rolling Thunder began. It attacked key military and industrial targets in North Vietnam; such as bridges, railway lines, army barracks and support depots. The U.S, however did not bomb North Vietnam's largest cities for fear of jeopardising relations with the USSR. This selective targeting had very little success and the flow of men and materials from the north continued to grow. As the war intensified, the selective targeting was replaced by saturation bombing (dropping bombs on anything and everything in sight) to try to bring the Vietnamese to their knees and sign a peace treaty in 1966. The huge B-52 bombers, which flew at over 15,000 metres high were first used for this purpose and used three times as much tonnage of bombs on North Vietnam as the allies dropped on Germany in World War Two. The long air raids only raised the morale and tenacity of the Vietnamese to resist. The North Vietnamese used three main methods to combat this: · Anti-aircraft guns. Were very effective and shot down most of the U.S aircraft which crashed to the ground in North Vietnam. · Surface-to-air missiles. Supplied by the Soviet Union, were new and high-tech but not as effective as the older anti-aircraft guns.

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