The Concept Of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)

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Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is the study of the interaction between magnetic fields and moving conducting fluids. The idea of magnetohydrodynamics phenomenon was first conceived by Michael Faraday in the year 1832 in his Backerian Lecture to the Royal society. He infact carried out an experiment at the waterloo Bridge in
Great Britain for measuring the current from the flow of the river Thamus in earth’s magnetic field. This experiment in a way outlined the basic concept behind MHD generation over the years then, the MHD pump was designed by Northrup in 1907. In
1910, Karlovitz and Halacz was invented and patented the MHD generator by invert- ing the operating principle of the MHD pump. In 1930, Williams published the result of the first laboratory …show more content…

Hannes Alfven was the first to introduce the term ”Magnetohydrodynamics” in 1942.
Hannes Alfven (1908-1995), was a swedish scientist who is considered one of the founding father of the field of space plasma physics [1]. He made many contributions and discoveries associated with both terrestrial and cosmic plasmas, (not always ac- knowledged by his peers), and in 1970 he won the nobel prize in physics for his work developing a theory of plasmas called Magnetohydrodynamics. Since 1959 [2,3], ma- jor efforts have been carried out around the world to develop this technology in order to improve electric conversion efficiency, increase reliability by eliminating moving parts, and reduce emissions from coal and gas plants.
The electricity requirements of the world including Pakistan are increasing day by day and the power demand has been running ahead of supply. The whole world is already familiar with the convectional power generating resources like hydral, thermal and nuclear etc. In all convectional systems the potential energy is first converted into mechanical energy and then this mechanical energy is converted into electrical

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