The Concept Of Love In William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

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What is love? In William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night love is nothing more than another disguise. It is an illusion that fools everyone. Orsino, Olivia, Sebastian, and Viola do any of them find love in the end? No, they find nothing more than a disguise, an illusion of love. By analyzing each of these characters, their thoughts and feelings of, and their experiences with love throughout this play, we can determine that in the end, none of them have found true, genuine love. Before we can analyze the characters in William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night we must have a working definition of love. The dictionary defines love as “a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.” ( Synonyms include, tenderness, fondness,passion, …show more content…

The love Olivia has felt isn’t romantic love, it’s the love for her brother “The element itself, till seven years ' heat,/Shall not behold her face at ample view,/But like a cloistress, she will veiled walk/And water once a day her chamber round/With eye-offending brine—all this to season/A brother’s dead love, which she would keep fresh/And lasting in her sad remembrance.”(1.1.25-31). Olivia’s love for Cesario is her attempt to fill a hole left by the death of her brother whom she loved deeply. She was vulnerable and in mourning, and Cesario was there and he was a gentleman “Thy tongue, thy face, thy limbs, actions, and spirit,/Do give thee fivefold blazon. Not too fast! Soft, soft!/Unless the master were the man. How now?/Even so quickly may one catch the plague?/Methinks I feel this youth’s perfections/With an invisible and subtle stealth/To creep in at mine eyes. Well, let it be.—”(1.5.274-280). Her love wasn’t real though, had her love been real she would not have mistakenly married Sebastian. She would have known that Sebastian wasn’t Cesario. Had Olivia’s love been real would it have mattered that Cesario was actually Viola in disguise? They may not have been able to be together because of time and society they lived in, but the feeling would have still been there. In the end Olivia essentially settles for Sebastian, because it wasn’t who she …show more content…

His love for her isn’t real. Like Olivia Viola has also lost her brother (at least she thinks she has) and the midst of silently grieving her brother she finds love in Orsino. “Viola 's status as Orsino 's servant is the condition of possibility and impossibility of her love for him and also of Olivia 's erotic desire for her as Cesario” (Schalkwy “Love and Service”). Viola’s love appears more real than Orsino and Olivia’s love because of her devotion and self sacrifice. Viola although in love with Orsino herself assists him in winning the love of Olivia “I’ll do my best/To woo your lady—(aside) Yet, a barful strife—/Whoe 'er I woo, myself would be his wife.”(1.4.40-42). In act 5 scene one Viola tells Orsino that she is willing to die for him “And I, most jocund, apt, and willingly,/To do you rest, a thousand deaths would die.” (5.1.126-127). When Viola is finally able to come clean to Orsino about her true identity she reiterates her feelings for him, and now that Orsino knows she’s a woman it holds more meaning “Orsino: Boy, thou hast said to me a thousand times/Thou never shouldst love woman like to me. Viola: And all those sayings will I overswear;/And those swearings keep as true in soul/As doth that orbèd continent the fire/That severs day from night.”(5.1.258-264). It appears as though Viola has found true love, but as

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