The Comparitive: The GV & V

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The Comparitive - GV&V 'The GV&V is shaped by the reader's feeling of optimism or pessimism in reading the text' (2007) General vision and viewpoint (GV&V) is both the outlook of the text as portrayed by the author and the readers viewpoint. Our viewpoint influences our outlook of the text, the characters and the world they inhabit. I have studied The Uncommon Reader (UCR) written by Alan Bennett, The Plough and the Stars (TP&TS) by Sean O'Casey and The Kings Speech (TKS) directed by Tom Hooper. There is both positive and negative relationships within all three, as well as both buoyant and gloomy moments. Here I will write about how these both hopeful and adverse aspects develop our outlook of the text. The opening of TP&TS is quite dreary …show more content…

However, it differs greatly from TP&TS in that poverty is not a problem for our characters in the world of the text, which is a wealthy one. The opening scene shows as the Duke goes to make a speech at Wembley arena in October 1925. As he goes to speak, the Duke's stammer echoes across the stadium. He continues to struggle speaking, during which the rest of the crowd seem awkward while his wife looks tearful as she watches him. We commiserate greatly with the Duke here, as we did for our characters in TP&TS. This opening scene sets us up for the rest of the movie: the Dukes speech …show more content…

Her tough personality turns mellow as she becomes an almost mother-like figure towards Nora. Unfortunately, this relationship does not end well. Bessie ends up shot trying to save Nora while Nora is driven mad at the loss of her husband and child. In the same way, in TKS, Bertie is profoundly changed by his encounters with Lionel. Lionel helps Bertie to unburden himself from his childhood troubles and overcomes his speech impediment. This ends more positively as their relationship leads to a lifelong friendship. As in TKS, in UCR Elizabeth and Norman have a positive impact on each other. Norman helps the Queen to read more and by the end her love of books becomes so great that she decides to write one herself and so abdicates. As a result of their friendship, Elizabeth starts to do things for herself and not just other people. However, on the contrary to TKS, they both embark on separate journeys, leaving us in the hope that both will follow their dreams. The ending of TP&TS is a tragedy. It ends with Mollser dying, Nora having a stillbirth, which drives her mad and Bessie getting shot when trying to save Nora. The misfortune and hardship that the characters go through leaves us with a despondent outlook towards the world of the

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