The Cold War: The Bay Of Pigs

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The beginning of the Cold War Era arose between the Allies and the Soviet Union. It started because of distrust, power, and loyalty between the Allies and the Soviet Union. At that time, the Allies and the Soviet Union had the most powerful economic and military capacities. The Allies wanted to have a democratic policy, however, the Soviet Union wanted to have a buffer state. The Allies wanted everyone around them to have the same type of government due to fear of the other/fear of losing power, but the Soviets believed it was the wrong idea to have the same kind of democratic government, they wanted to have a communist government where the state plans and controls the economy. Due to this idea, the Cold War broke out. The Cold War is a war …show more content…

At the time Fidel Castro overthrew the dictator Fulgencio Batista, and then became leader of Cuba. When the charismatic Castro became president of Cuba, he turned to Kremlin, Russia and that make United States skeptical that he could betray the U.S. and have an ally with the Soviet Union. So, Kennedy came up with an idea to take him from power which the plan was called the Bay of Pigs. The Bay of Pigs was to go against the Castro rule “It involved a landing on three beaches of the Bay of Pigs by exiled Cubans, trained by the CIA and US Special Forces, who would ostensibly stir a revolt against Castro’s rule” (Fink,112). The operation was not successful, Castro already had a plan for the invader and captured almost every one of them. After the invasion failed, Castro felt that his life was threatened, so he began to look upon the Soviet Union for protection. By October of 1962 the U.S U-2 plane spotted a missile construction in Cuba and President Kennedy recommend that the Soviets remove their missile from Cuba. The only way the soviet could remove their missile from Cuba, was that the United States remove their missile from Turkey and also allow Castro to stay in power. The reason why the United States was afraid of missile been Cuba is that, Cuba is not far from

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