The Clutter Family Murders In John Capote's In Cold Blood

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Once a quiet small town , Holcomb Kansas, became filled with horror and unanswered questions after the devastating Clutter family murders.In the book In Cold Blood Capote gathers information and reports about the murderers Perry Smith and Dick Hickock and the victims.The information collected would potentially help the town and the reader's wrap their heads around the horrific incident that struck Holcomb.

When it comes down to the ones closest to you while rat you from time to time. Perry’s sister his own flesh and blood, Barbara, wrote a letter describing Perry’s devastating childhood to the parole board, they even questioned her. She was terrified of her brother, she knew he was dangerous. Barbara tried to help him plenty of times
( Capote 160 ) The police also gathered information from Dick’s family, the Hickock’s, they were surprised to hear about him being this kind of trouble.( Capote 165-168) Mr Nye personally visited with a few people from Dick’s past such as Walter Hickock, the owner of Bob sands Body Shop, and his neighbor wife they each had a story to tell about him. ( Capote 168-169). The Clutter’s were your typical nice and respectful family. The clutter’s had 3 daughters and 1 son, luckily that night 2 of the girls weren't home. Herb, Bonnie, Nancy, and Kenyon Clutter was loved by all in the small town. Mrs. Clutter had a few “problems” or as others may say “ she was sick” ( Capote 10) . Nancy was the town sweetheart, she participated in theater , baking competitions , and she always took care of her family due to her mother conditions. Mrs. Clutter was somewhat your typical church grandmother she was very sweet she just “sick” ( Capote 7). Kenyon was a good kid he played basketball he didn't get into any trouble ( Capote 9). Mr. Clutter was the second richest farmer in Holcomb, he was a generous man he was very involved with the church ( Capote 6) .He didn’t allow an of his employees to drink on
Perry, unlike Dick, didn’t have your typical childhood , his was way worse. His dad was abused to his mom, he lost two of his siblings to suicide, his dad left his life, & he watched his mom entertain multiple men.( Capote 138 -142 ) Dick parent’s told the how they didn’t believe he was capable of doing something like that.( Capote 165) They believed Dick was influenced by Perry , they always felt as though Perry was a bad influence.( Capote 166) Dick parent’s explain how Dick was a good kid growing up and they really don't’ know where he went wrong at. ( Capote 166) Mr. Wells was major part in the outside reports, he worked for the Cutter’s before going to prison ( Capote 161). He told the officers how interested Dick was in the Clutter’s. Dicked asked questions like “ How many was they? What ages would the kids be now? How was it laid out?...” (161). He even tells how Dick talked about killing Mr. Clutter. Floyd tells how Dick and Perry was planning on robbing Herb Clutter and killing any witnesses( Capote 161). Walter Hickock explained to Mr. Nye that Dick brought Perry home one day , he had a bad feeling about Perry he could just look at him and tell he was trouble. ( capote 169 ). Dick’s old manager , Bob Sands, explained how Dick was a model employee and he was always friendly ( Capote 168). He felt as those Pery was good person he state that perry would play his guitar sometimes (

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