The Circuit By Francisco Jimnez Courageous

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Often in work of literature a character encounters a situation that require courage. In the historical fiction novel, The Circuit by Francisco Jimenez. The main character Francisco Jimenez is very courageous because he is an illegal immigrant from Mexico. His family and him pass a lot of difficulties like Looking for work and stability but they never get it by their social condition. But still the continuum facing those problems with the strength of his family. And that is one of the most important reasons why Francisco can be defined as courageous. Francisco is boy from Guadalajara, Mexico. He was only eight years old when his family and him crossed the border. When crossing the border they went to California and so they thought they would leave their poverty …show more content…

One example was when Francisco Went to school for the first time and was not intimidated and focused on studying although he was afraid because he doesn't know English but that did not stop him to be able to find a way in front of his classmates That courage for wanting to study because for the time of school was a time to appreciate. Another example was when Francisco's dad was mad because the parrot that is call “Perico” that is a immigrant from Mexico. It was making a lot of noise because missed her friend from Mexico And not seeing her caused a despair in him and that made him make a lot of noise and things crazy and when the father of Francisco came and saw that riot, that was the last straw that broke the glass. They were in a critical economic situation and the place where they lived were very uncomfortable what caused the father of Francisco despair more And they gave him with a broom the parrot that caused the parrot to die and at first Francisco when he saw that event was angry but it was very admirable as he showed courage and forgiven his father because even that his father kill his bird he forgive

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