The Chrysalids Lessons

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“Every situation in life give some important lesson”. The Chrysalids is a science fiction novel by John Wyndham. It's about conformity in a post-nuclear world. The novel revolves around the superstitions which existed in the society at that time. Genetic invariance has been elevated to the highest religious principle, and humans with even minor mutations were considered "Blasphemies" and the handiwork of the Devil. As the story proceeds it teaches different lessons at different stages. The three lessons in the are story characters in the Chrysalids teach us Stand us that one can stand up for what one believe in, acceptance and making Sacrifices.
The first lesson is stand up for what you believe in. Joseph stands up for his religion “The Norm is the image of God” pg27. He is a strong believer in God and life is based around his religion. The telepathic group didn’t give up in all types of situation. “Don’t be scared, Rosalind. You had to do it. This is a war, between our kind and theirs” Pg. 128. The telepathic group stayed together and …show more content…

Uncle Axel killed Allen for the telepathic group. “It wouldn’t be just murder, Uncle Axel. It’d be something worse, as well; like violating part of our self for ever….. We couldn’t do it” Pg.96. Uncle Axel committed a crime for concealing a deviant. His sacrifice was made to protect David and the telepathic group. The Sealand lady rescue the telepathy members. “It was not simple to get the permission to come”. Pg.192. The sea land lady puts her life in danger to rescue telepathy members. Michael sacrificed his escape route out of Rachel. “Rachel deserves just as well as any of the rest of us”. Pg. 198. For the Rachel company, Michael sacrifices his escape route from Waknuk. The third lesson in the Chrysalid’s “Make sacrifice in life. If we want anybody to do sacrifice for us; we should also make sure that we have sacrifice for him. This what characters in chrysalides are

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