The Chorus In Oedipus The King By Sophocles

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In most stories there is no such thing as a group of people who sing about the current situation at hand in the story. Usually you do not see a third party involved that reacts to the problems at hand. But there is in the play Oedipus the King by Sophocles. The author Sophocles uses the chorus to set the mood of the play. The chorus is very impactful because it describes the fear and joy of the citizens at Thebes. It is definitely an important aspect of the play. In the beginning of the play Oedipus is told about the oracle’s message on how to get rid of the plague on Thebes. He is told that the only solution is to find the murderer who killed the old King named Laius. Oedipus the hero quickly agrees to the find the murder for the sake of …show more content…

But his wife Jocasta urges him not to go on further in fear that he will not be able to handle the truth. The chorus echoes his thoughts about his demand in finding out who he truly is. When Oedipus finds out the truth that he killed his father and married his mother everything goes downhill. The prophecy that he tried so hard to resist ended up coming true. Of course the concession is right there with him when he finds out this truth. They sing about disbelief and sadness over this tragedy that came upon their beloved king. To them their Oedipus is a perfect example of a bless-less man that will live in misery for the rest of his life (Sophocles 496). This shows the sorrow and anguish that the citizens have for the king upon knowing of this unfortunate …show more content…

While he is on his way the chorus intervenes once more to express their feelings. They begin to question why of all people did this have to happen to him. Through the questioning they become curious about several things regarding the situation. But seeing the image before their eyes they fear to act on that curiosity (Sophocles 499). The groups of people serve as a companion through his dark terrible journey to exile for the last time. The irony of the situation was all along Oedipus was the one who was blind to everything and not the blind prophet Tiresias. In conclusion, the chorus was very much needed in the play Oedipus the King. It served as the main gateway into the citizens feelings regarding the problems. Even though the chorus was subtle in the play it played an important role. I think stories should include something similar to concessions. It can bring a better insight about the story from someone who witnesses everything

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