The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson and The Last of the Light Brigade by Kipling

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The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson and The Last of the Light Brigade by Kipling Generally both the poems are about very similar things. They are both focused on events relating to the Crimean war. For example "The Charge of the Light Brigade" is written about an incident in which the soldiers obeyed a clearly ridiculous order. Whereas "The Last of the Light Brigade" is focused on an event after the war which links to the first poem by describing what has now happened to the Light Brigade. Although both poems are generally about similar things I believe that the authors have written their individual poems with clearly different messages. In "The Charge of the Light Brigade." The author clearly thinks very highly of the soldiers. I believe he has written his poem to commemorate "The Light Brigade". I think that he doesn't want their charge to be forgotten and wants them to be remembered as heroes. This is shown when the author writes "Storm'd at with shot and shell, While horse and hero fell." I think that Kipling may have wanted his readers to no longer see "The Last of the Light Brigade"as just heroes but as normal human beings. I believe that Kipling has written this poem to make the British public realise what had really happened and make them realise the harsh reality. I believe that Kipling tries to put right the mistakes Tennyson had written. This is shown when Kipling writes "We think that someone has blundered, an' couldn't You tell 'em now? You wrote we were once heroes sir, please write we're Starving now." I believe Kipling maybe trying to make the public feel guilty for t... ... middle of paper ... have now been neglected. I think in all there are many contrasts between the poems. There are also many internal contrasts. I believe that both poets have similar techniques and both meant well when they were writing their poems. The major contrast between the two poems is the way the soldiers are perceived. In Tennyson's poem the soldiers are perceived as noble heroes but in Kipling's poem they are perceived as helpless, this is the major contrast between the two poems. I think that Kipling's writing is more powerful because the soldiers are described in a more dramatic manner. Kipling describes the soldiers better mentally and physically and helps the reader get an idea of how the soldier's personalities are. I do believe that Tennyson's writing is also powerful but I also prefer Kipling's writing.

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