The Characteristics Of The Four Sightss By Siddhartha Guatama

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“We believe that the world outside of us is reliable and that we can find happiness if we can find our place in the world and make ourselves comfortable in it” (Text Book).
While there are many tales of how the young Siddhartha Guatama learned of the four sights, what can but understood is the significance of each of the four sights and how they play a major role into the life of Buddhism. Understanding the background story of young Guatama it was told that his father took him outside of the city where he saw the people of the village. While traveling, he saw a sickly man, a dead man and a monk in this he saw four sights which the first one was that life was suffering. On his journey with his father, he realized that everything was ephemeral. …show more content…

As a prince of a people who were indeed suffering his goal was to help the people from there ills. He set out to become a monk so that he would be able to teach people the right way to not suffer in life. The story of Guatama was interesting because in the beginning his father did not want him to learn any type of religion. It was as if his father knowingly understood that his son had compassion of people and that he tried to limit his knowledge of the truth. Maybe a bit of shame that people of his kingdom is lived in this way maybe the father was afraid of a religion in fear that the religion would be more powerful than himself as king. Yet regardless it is a key figure to this moment because it being a new reality to the people who never had a direction before …show more content…

Life like many other religions is a life of living a perfect life. By perfect I mean a life which lacks nothing and a mind which is at ease with all. It also is a life which brings dignity amongst others. Much of this can be references as well in the bible when the Disciple Paul spoke in 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.
Romans 12: 1-2
1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
2 And no be conformed to this world: but be ye transferred by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Just as one learn their true self through the eight-fold path so does other regions such as Christianity. Paul speak on a living a new life that is perfect according to

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