The Characteristics Of Communism

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Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels turned the world upside down with their publication of 1848 Communist Manifesto, until the development of this political pamphlet much of the western world had followed a course where individuals owned private properties, business enterprises, and kept the profits that resulted from their own wise investments. Marx and Engels pointed out the uneven distribution of wealth in this capitalist world and predicted a worldwide popular uprising to distribute wealth evenly. Ever since, nations have wrestled with which direction to turn their economies.
As far as where nations has chosen to turn their economies, many lean towards Communism. Why? Well there are many possible explanations, but the one that I find most logical …show more content…

Most of the means of production, such as factories and businesses, are owned by private individuals and not by the government. Private owners make decisions about what and when to produce and how much their products should cost. Other characteristics of capitalism include things such as Free competition. The basic guideline of capitalism is that people should be allowed to compete freely without interference from any government. Capitalism assumes that the most deserving person will usually come out on top. In theory, prices will be kept as low as possible because consumers will seek the best product for the least amount of money so that they may earn the most profit …show more content…

Socialism also believes that wealth and income should be shared more equally among the people. Socialists differ from communists in that they do not believe the workers will overthrow capitalists. Nor do they believe that all private property should be eliminated, their main goal is to narrow, not totally eliminate, the gap between the rich and the poor. The Socialist rule believes that the government has a responsibility to redistribute wealth to make society more fair and just. There is no purely capitalist or communist economy in the world today. The capitalist United States has a Social Security system and a government-owned postal service. Communist China now allows its citizens to keep some of the profits they earn. These categories are models designed to shed greater light on differing economic

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