The Character Of Reverend Hooper In The Minister's Black Veil

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Reverend Hooper was the protagonist in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Minister’s Black Veil. He was a soft spoken man who wanted people to realize that every one was a sinner, no matter how much they may deny the fact. He preached during the Puritan era. Conversely, Jonathan Edwards was a preacher who preached during the end of the Puritan era in a terrifying manner; he thought that if he scared those who were listening enough, it would get them to convert. When faced with a challenge regarding how Reverend Hooper would have felt about Edwards, one might conclude that Hooper would have appreciated the intent but not the delivery because it was far too intimidating and aggressive for the congregation, it was the incorrect way to approach wanting people to convert, and it was antipodal to how Hooper would have done so. …show more content…

However in Reverend Hooper’s eyes, this would be an incorrect method to attempt to convert those who have not found God. Jonathan Edwards seems to be screaming at those in the congregation, pointing out that they will be going to Hell, the ‘fiery pit’ that they stand above at all times (Edwards 1). Reverend Hooper on the other hand approaches preaching in a warmer light. He was known to ‘win his people heavenward by mild, persuasive influences’ opposed to driving them there by the ‘thunders of the Word’ (Hawthorne 221). Hooper was more accessible to the people, creating a welcoming ambiance about his personality rather than a rigid, belligerent atmosphere that Edwards gave off. The negativity tied in to Edwards’ sermon was evident, which Reverend Hooper probably would not have appreciated considering Hooper prefers the tranquil approach to preaching. Hooper believes that a message will get across by acting calm rather than

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