The Character Of Perseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Long before Batman and comic books the Greeks had a hero of their own ; the Greeks had Perseus. The gods helped Perseus for his bravery and willingness to slay Medusa. Perseus is not afraid to slay the Gorgon Medusa as most would be. He accepts the challenge to try to slay Medusa and immediately sets out to find her. He is courageous and not afraid of the possibility of turning to stone. Athena and Hermes reward him for this and his other traits. That is why the Greeks Title him Hero

Acrisius had went to the oracle and the oracle told him his grandson would kill him. Acrisius, terrified, locked his only daughter, Danae away in a cage. Danae was trapped in a cage with a wind only for breathing, fortunately for her Zeus fell in love with …show more content…

But when he arrived, he found he found his childhood home empty. Polydectes, furious that Danae still refused to marry him, had promised to seek revenge. Afraid for her life Danae left her home and hid in a temple. Perseus knew he had been right in mistrusting Polydectes. He stormed into the royal palace to tell Polydectes that he had conquered Medusa. When Perseus opened the grand doors, he saw Polydectes surrounded by of advisors and nobles. Perseus shouted from the doorway and all the men, including Polydectes, turned to see what Perseus wanted. With all eyes gazing at him, Perseus drew Medusas head from the magic bag. Everyone in the hall was turned to stone.”)Page 23-24 Greek and Roman Mythology Parcae to Zeus)

In conclusion the Greek gods and gods honored the heroes and had them in this format receives help, slays a beast, rescues a maiden. The Greek gods and people honored mortals that had all of those things happen and considered them heroes. The Greek gods help Perseus for his hero-like traits such as bravery, courage, and wits. Perseus was brave and courageous because he slew the gorgon Medusa, and rescued the maiden from Poseidon's serpents. He is witty because he uses his wits to find out where Medusa and the Hags where. This is why Perseus receives the title

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