The Character Debate Analysis

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Kenneth T. Walsh wrote the article The Character Debate, which described how the two candidates, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump were addressing each other through out the election. According to this article, politics was rarely the focus of the debated, rather it was substituted for attacking the opposing candidates weak personal points, and trying to expose them (Walsh)
Although this may make since for a canidate to try to amke the opposing one less appealing, this type of argument is a fallacy. Ad hominem is th name of the fallacy that hits Trumps and Clinton's relationship right on the nose. Both candidates continue to attack eachothers character to win over citizens of America versus picking apart opposing policies and creating an educated …show more content…

It is stated in The Character Debate, “Trump is trying to turn the issue in his favor. "I understand the tax laws better than almost anyone, which is why I am the one who can truly fix them," Trump told a rally in Pueblo, Colorado” (Walsh) Then he throws a dig at Hillary saying, "hasn't made an honest dollar her entire life... corruption of the highest order” (Walsh), so in the next debate she spends her valuable time trying to do damage control to improve or contain her image. Even though both canidates use the fallacy, Ad hominem they both use different ways of using it. In Trumps quote he puts himself in superiorty by using the the word I, and “better than almost anyone” (Walsh). Saying almost, expresses some humbleness in Trump which is a rare sight, but he disreguards it with continueing on his sentence with using the words “I am the one” (Walsh) Symbollicay these words represent a leader well, becuase a leader can be looked at as the most wise who was chosen to lead its people. Yet on the flip side a leader who can relate to its people is what is needed. With Trumps mindset of being superior and wise he critisizes Hillary easily with out having any facts to back it up. Simply a snark

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