The Change of Bond Girls

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The Change of Bond Girls In Adams' article Bond Girls:gender, technology and film she says that

the question, how have Bond girls changed? "Blonder, dumber and

thinner" would not be an uncommon reply. Some of the results of my

questionnaire seemed to support this idea. When asking participants to

"use one word [they] associate with Bond girls" a massive 80% said

"sex". This showed me that the general opinion was that sex was key in

the representation of Bond girls throughout the franchise. I also

discovered through my questionnaire that 90% of males and only 40% of

women said they watched Bond films "a lot". While 50% of women said

they only watched it "sometimes". 60% of people said that the

representations of these women had changed and participants gave

reasons such as "more involved in the plot" and "not as inferior as

they once were". The 30% who said they had not changed gave responses

such as "they are still sexy" and "they all still sleep with James

Bond". These results were extremely useful to me as I could clearly

see that a quite large number of the participants had noticed a

significant change in the representations of Bond girls but they had

related this to the roles of the women in the plot and their

sub-ordinance. There were still a lot of participants who believed

that Bond girls still remained in the same role in terms of sexuali...

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...seem to be have huge effects on Bond's character and

emotions (e.g. Bond being emotionally touched at the death of Electra

in The world is not enough). They are also being represented as being

more valued members in the society depicted in Bond films, from being

a shell collector to being the boss of Bond. But in other ways, namely

the sexual denotation of the women, things have not changed. Bond

still seduces and beds women quickly, using witty one liners "I'm here

for the birds" (Die another day). Women are also dressed as

seductively as possible. So in conclusion I believe that the

representation of women have changed a great deal over the Bond

franchise as they are more independent and strong but in other ways

they have remained in the same mould as they are still portrayed as

sexually assertive and easy to seduce.

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