The Cecil Hotel Summary

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Originally called the Hotel Cortez, or as the Cecil Hotel, is now known as Stay on Main. It was built on Main Street of Los Angeles in 1924 and opened in 1927. It has seven hundred rooms and was built for the upper-class people of the twenties. The stories from this hotel serve as inspiration for the fifth season of American Horror Story - Hotel (“The Horrific History of the Cecil Hotel”) A few years after the hotel’s opening the hotel had to become a ‘budget hotel’ because of the Great Depression (“The Horrific History of the Cecil Hotel”). In the 50s and 60s it was most known for the amount of mysterious suicides that happened. It also was the last reported sighting of both the ‘Black Dahlia’ known as Elizabeth Short and Elisa Lam. (“The Horrific History of the Cecil Hotel”). Elizabeth Short was found in an empty …show more content…

Unterweger had an issue with - to put it nicely - hookers. He killed three in Los Angeles. He would beat them, strangle them with their own bras and sexually violate them with tree branches (Blanco). While he was in prison in Austria, he wrote many short stories, poems, and an autobiography. The higher ups of Austria saw his work and deemed him as a “successful ‘resocialized’ prisoner (Blanco). After he was released, he was asked to write about Los Angeles crimes (Blanco). His first victim in Los Angeles was a hooker named Sherri Long. She was found by a couple of men and their children. She had her bra tightly knotted around her neck. (Blanco). Nine days later he killed a prostitute named Shannon Exley. She had called and told her father that she wanted to get her life back in order. She was also found with her own bra tied around her neck. Five days after the second murder, he killed another prostitute named Irene Rodriguez. She was found with her bra tied around her neck as well as a hypodermic syringe near her body

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