The Cause of the Endless Wars Against the United States of America

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The continuing successful and attempted terrorist attacks in the USA and the endless wars and conflicts in which we are involved are a manifestation of political, economical and imperialistic failures in Arab lands. This was supported by Western society with the United States as the largest of powers. Instability, oppression, poverty and political alienation that the citizens of many Islamic-Arab nations experienced within the last hundred years have led to major hatred of the United States by the people of many Arab nations. These sources of hatred can be viewed as remote causes of the endless terror attacks and conflicts around the globe. Through the analysis of these causes, it is possible to find ways to avoid such incidents of terror by solving the problem at the source.

Most of our conflicts with Muslims is rooted from a manifestation of hatred for the United States' support of Israel. The resentment and hatred are widespread throughout the Arab countries such as Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, and Syria which are experiencing less freedom, high unemployment, oppressive governments, and overpopulation unlike Israel. As Zaharia puts it "For all its flaws, out of the same desert Israel has created a functioning democracy, a modern society with an increasingly high technology, economy and thriving artistic and cultural life"(27). Before Israel became a state in 1948, Arabs were being displaced by Jews in 1920 when "the purchase of land by Jewish agencies angered the indigenous Palestinians, especially tenant farmers, who had been evicted to make room for settlers" (Bulliet 772). Even though this does not directly involve the United States, it does involve the British, because Palestine was a British man...

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...errorist attacks and endless wars are trivial compared to historical origins of Islamic extremism, oppressive leaders, gap in economic classes, unemployment and brutality suffered by these terrorists. Tightening up on airport security, bringing out the National Guard, and bomb sniffing dogs are not going to end the hatred that propelled the attack. So, the remote sources of this aggression are so deep rooted and far more numerous that it would require a global dialog to prevent such a tragedy in future.

Sources Cited and Consulted

Bulliet, Richard W. et al. The Earth and Its People: A Global History. 2nd ed. New York: Houghten Mifflin.

Shama Omar. "Terrorist's Video Vows Insecurity for America." The Star Ledger. 8 Oct. 2001: 1-9.

Zakaria, Fareed. "Why Do They Hate Us? The Politics of Rage." Newsweek. 15 Oct. 2001: 22-40.

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