The Catcher In The Rye And The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

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Our daily lives emotionally affect us as individual persons in society. What happens in our daily life, changes our emotional life and changes our perspective towards life. Society has an impact on individual persons. According to The Catcher in The Rye and The Perks of Being a Wallflower; what happens to Holden and Charlie at school, at home and with their friend relationships affect them negatively and complicates their perspective towards life. Both Holden and Charlie are affected negatively by the society. Their emotional life is shaped by their social lives as like as ours. Both Holden and Charlie affected negatively, changing their perspective to life pessimistic, from what happened in their family life. Holden is angry at his brother’s Holden has not have many friends. He feels like he is outside the society. He does not accept society, thinks that society is not sincere. So he thinks everyone is “phony”. “ ‘How'sa boy, Ackley?’ he said to Ackley. He was at least a pretty friendly guy, Stradlater. It was partly a phony kind of friendly, but at least he always said hello to Ackley and all.” (Catcher 30) According to quote, even though Holden thinks Stradlater is a friendly guy, he calls him phony. That is the problem of Holden. Holden always thinks that friendships are fake. He always thinks people are insincere, that is one of the reason why Holden is running away from being a part of the “society”. On the other hand, Charlie is happy with his new friends- Patrick and Sam but he had no friends before he meet Patrick and Sam. His one friend shot himself. “It’s hard to remember. But Dave with the awkward glasses told us that Michael killed himself. His mom played bridge with one of Michael’s neighbors and they heard the gunshot.”(Perks 4) Charlie is affected by his friend Michael’s death. He feels sorry for him. He cries and gets angry to guidance counselor. “Then, I started screaming at the guidance counselor that Michael could have talked to me. And I started crying even harder.”(Perks 5) Charlie cares about friend relationships more than Holden. He feels sorry for him, gets sad, cries… Charlie is pretty emotional about what happens around his friend life. Michael’s death affected Charlie to feel sad because Michael was a good friend of him. Charlie always thought nobody ever will notice him after Michael. He was outside the “society”. So his emotions about friend life was pessimistic after Michael’s death. Both Holden and Charlie feel alone and outside the “society” in some points. Holden has some problems finding a friend, he always thinks friendships are fake. On

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